Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why is it important to post your work?

You want to know why it's important to post your work. Well, I can give you four good reason why you should.

This is a picture of the band Fleetwood Mac
First example is a school from New York City. In their PS22 chorus, the children did a remake of Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide", which is a 1967 band from London. You Can watch it here yourself. The tour manager Steive Nicks was so touched by the performance that he invited the class to perform the song at Madison Square Garden for the upcoming June 11th Fleetwood Mac show.

This is a picture of Kaia.
A second example is a little girl named Kaia. Here father took the initiative to post his daughter's work on a blog. Well, you might say " so what", but she is only three years old. She tells her story and shares her pictures on her blog. Her blog has been getting attention from all over the world. You can view it here.

This is a picture of Tresher.
Thirdly, you can communicate with people all over the world. You can use me as an example. Before I enrolled in EDM 310, I had no idea people were communicating on blog. Now that I am a blogger, I have had debates with some of the best in the education fields. I would have never experienced this if I wouldn't have started a blog. You can view my blog conversations here. Leave a comment please :)

This is a picture of a man with a computer.
And to conclude, putting work on the internet is the most current way to put information out.You should watch this.It is "Did you Know 4.0". The movie explains the rapid development of technology. The use of books, newspaper, magazines, and any other paper forms of press are becoming obsolete.


  1. Excellent! This is exactly what I hoped would be done with this assignment! Thank you!

  2. I like this post a lot. It is funny how something that may seem to be so insignificant becomes so important. A personal post that is shared online becomes an incredible opportunity for sharing between a large group.

    What I find so engaging is what you hit on, the conversation that starts when the post button is pushed. Not every post makes a splash, but when one does it is magical.

  3. Hi Tresher,
    I really enjoyed reading the post about why you think blogging and posting work is important. Because I think America is quite up there with their technology and gadgets, I assumed all Americans were blogging and posting work on the net. Boy, was I wrong. Nevertheless, a big Thanks for commenting on our blog, the children really love communicating with other people around the globe. It's been a great tool to hook children in. We wish you all the best in your studies and pursuit to becoming a great teacher.

    Miss Lavakula and Room 10@Pt England School, Auckland, N.Z
