Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do you trust Wikipedia?

I can remember from high school my history and science teachers saying " Don't use Wikipedia as a source of information for your research project." Everybody knows Wikipedia is a very incompatible source of information. But, I guess I am contradicting myself because I still use it to look up things. That is probably so because it's the first link you see when you put your topic in a search engine.

As far as the Wikipedia Scanner, it is a good idea to have; however, anyone will still be able to edit things. Now that people know they are being traced, I'm sure they are going to come up with a tool to prevent the tracing. Come now, some computer wise will create something for this soon easily. Why shouldn't Wal- Mart, Diebold, politicians, and etc. edit information for their best interest? It's legal. The only way to prevent this is to hire people to put in the entries. By this, I mean have the entire reviewed before being posted. Wikipedia could pay for that through advertisements maybe. But, until Wikipedia provides better means of security, the site will never be an accurate source of information.

1 comment:

  1. All sources have their biases. I use Wikipedia all the time. You just have to use it with your brain on and your eyes open.
