Sunday, October 11, 2009

The New Media Literacies by the NML Staff

A image from the vidoe.
The litteracy skills discussed in this video are fundemental for anyone working, living, and playing in todays world. Anyone who handles any form of technology in todays world will have to posess at least a few of these skills.Some of these skils we are possibly born with others are learned through disipline.

Due to the constant change and rapid advancements in new technollogy, many employers now require employees to pocess and be able to apply these skill in todays workforce. A employee must be able to gather intelligence and process it quickly.

I pocess a few of these skills such as my abilities to multitask,apply collective intelligence, and negotiate. I plan to master other skills of media literacy through practice and self disipline.I believe that by accquireing these skill i will be able to benifit myself, employer, and other in the future.

Watch the video here.

1 comment:

  1. And I am confident that you will master them. You want to learn!
